It's now week 6 of the term and I believe there are only 11 weeks. So I am now halfway through the term. I also realized I am very bad with keeping up with things. Especially this blog but the other things is nothing major or epicly awesome has happen. Its just the same old same old and it's not boring per say but just not interesting read for everyone. Honestly though I'm not a blogger but I thought it would be interesting to write one but I just don't feel like sitting a writing I just feel like going out and doing fun things but now I'll write some of the things I've been up to. My classes are going well so far. I've learned a few new things that I haven't learned yet. They do alot of outside reading here more than I'm use to so I'm falling a little bit behind in that area but not by much. There all interesting but I think my favorite is Understanding landscape with my least favorite being mineralogy. Dynamic Biosphere and Environment and Development are tied for second place. They all have so much writing to do for them to. I have 6 essays to write, 2 lab reports, and have to draw one map. One lab report is done so that's good. Now I just have to find the motivation to sit down and write them all. The nice thing is most of them are either due on the 6th of December or the 13th so I still have some time.
I've been doing more things then just classes I've done some of the culture stuff. :) I've been out with my house I live in a few time. I've joined a few organisations. I've joined the sci-fi club here which is quite fun they watch Doctor Who (the old series), Buffy and some new movies every week. Also joining the Sabres the gaming society here which is quite fun. Play a new board game every week. Also meet some awesome people in these organisations. Also the lgbtq is nice here to they have tea on Wednesdays so I get to meet new people there to. Also went out on Halloween which was fun.
Lets see also done some exploring around the country to. Last week went off to Stonehenge, Windsor Castle and Bath with a friend which was fun. Took many pictures. Also am going to Wales this Sunday coming up to see John Barrowman and then to visit all the Torchwood sites. Then later on in November I'm off to Edinburgh to check out the sites.
Other than that I'm doing good. Just so much to do and so much to see before I leave.